
Happy Thanksgiving! Who’s running?

Tons of runners are racing off to turkey trots and drumstick dashes today, perhaps hoping to burn off some extra calories before they sit down to a big Thanksgiving Day feast. Others may be sleeping in or cooking up a Turkey Day storm in the kitchen.

Thanksgiving sort of jump-starts the heavy-eating holiday marathon for lots of folks, doesn’t it? The next stop for many is Christmas, followed by New Year’s and then Valentine’s Day. 

Is it really possible to keep up a healthy diet and steady training plan through the holiday season?

Sure, it is, even if you indulge a little on a holiday like Thanksgiving.

Just remember, the average person burns about 100 calories a mile (walking or running). That means, if you eat an extra 1,000 calories, you just have to run 10 miles to make up for it! Or you could do a few laps around a sizable shopping mall with your activity tracker measuring the same distance.

Personally, I’m gonna go crank out five or six miles before tossing the bird into the oven. Hey, a little prevention can be good medicine (even from a dietary standpoint).

Gobble-gobble, and let’s go!
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